Laminate care guide

Once your laminate floor is installed and looking fabulous there are tons of things you can do to keep it looking that way. The really good news is laminate flooring is relatively low maintenance. Just take a look at our care guide to make sure you take the right steps.

It’s always important to refer to the manufacturer’s notes regarding which cleaning products should be used on your laminate. Other than that, a simple soft broom and a mop will be the only tools you’ll need to keep it looking as good as new.

Top tips for caring for laminate flooring

Sometimes there are instances where things like candle wax or chewing gum get stuck to laminate. In those instances, use ice to harden it and then scrape off with a plastic scraper. Wipe clean after with a lightly damp cloth.

 Use a well-wrung mop to clean the floor with water. Add vinegar to the water to bring the shine back.

How to protect laminate floors

• To avoid damage, never push or drag furniture around on laminate flooring.

• Lift any furniture that needs to be moved.

• Place soft castors under chairs and table legs to prevent scratches and dents.

How do you clean laminate floors?

It’s always important to refer to the manufacturer’s notes to see which cleaning products should be used on your laminate. Other than that, a simple soft broom and a mop will be the only tools you’ll need to keep it looking as good as new.

There are other simple things that you can use to help with the day-to-day maintenance and keeping the floor clean.

The best cleaning products

  • A doormat will help keep dirt outside rather than being walked into your home.
  • The most important thing to consider when keeping your laminate flooring clean is that it is not waterproof.
  • You can clean most laminate flooring with a solution of vinegar and water – mix one cup of household vinegar with one gallon of warm water. Use a slightly damp mop, ensuring you don’t over wet the floor – water can cause water spots or warping on laminate flooring.

What to do about spills and dirt

  • Don’t use a soaking wet mop on laminate; if water soaks through it can seep into and under the layers causing warping.
  • Any spills should be dealt with using a damp cloth and the residue wiped up with a dry cloth immediately.
  • Keep the floors dirt and dust free by regularly sweeping with a soft broom or vacuuming with a hard floor attachment. A dry microfibre mop or cloth can be used to remove and collect loose dirt and dust.

What to do for an intensive clean

  • For a more intensive clean, use a well-wrung microfibre mop or floor cloth with specialist cleaning fluid, ensuring the residue is dried up afterwards.
  • It is not recommended that floors with bevelled edges or V grooves are ever cleaned with a damp cloth or mop. This could cause dirt to accumulate in the grooves which could prove difficult to remove.
  • Sometimes there are instances when substances like candle wax or chewing gum stick to laminate. In those instances, use ice to harden it and then scrape off with a plastic scraper. Wipe clean after with a lightly damp cloth.

How to remove food stains from laminate flooring

1. Mix 1 part washing up liquid with 10 parts water.

2. Apply the solution to the stain and rub with a sponge or cloth.

3. Leave to dry thoroughly.

4. Mix 125ml of ammonia for every 5L of warm water.

5. Pour a small amount of the ammonia mixture onto the spot and leave to set for 10 minutes.

6. Gently scrub the ammonia with a soft-bristled brush, such as a toothbrush.

7. Rinse well with water and dry.

8. If the stain remains, increase the ratio of ammonia to water by half and repeat.

How to remove shoe scuffs from laminate flooring

1. Wipe the scuff mark with a wet sponge.

2. Take a rubber eraser and rub along the grain of the wood.

TOP TIP: Do not use a plastic or gritty eraser, as this could damage your wood floor!

3. Repeat the process until the scuff is gone.

4. If all else fails, you can find scuff erasers at a hardware shop.

How do you maintain laminate floors?

Over time your laminate flooring will gather dirt and dust and it’s inevitable that it will lose some of its original shine. But never fear – there’s no need to leave your floor dull and dirty. It is possible to put the shine back:

  • Loose dirt can be swept or vacuumed away.
  • Any stones or gravel needs to be dealt with carefully as they can scratch the surface of your laminate.
  • After all debris has been removed, use a well-wrung mop to clean the floor with water. Add vinegar to the water to bring the shine back.
  • If mopping doesn’t work, use a water and vinegar mixture on a damp cloth and scrub the floor intensely in sections.
  • If your laminate flooring is old, it could just be wear and tear that’s making it dull. In some cases, a floor shiner or a couple of coats of floor polish can be used – but be careful afterwards, as your floor may become slippery.

How to deal with scratches


Most laminate flooring is very hard-wearing and stands up well to everyday life, but the surface can still get scratched. Some DIY shops stock laminate repair kits but prevention is much better than having to deal with scratches:

  • Some laminate flooring comes with added scratch guards – check the manufacturer’s information.
  • Never use a scouring pad or other abrasive implement to clean laminate flooring.
  • Remove shoes before walking on laminate. Small stones can get stuck in shoes and scratch your floor. A doormat will also help.

What are the best tips to care for laminate flooring?

Here are our tips and tricks to keep your laminate floor in tip top condition


  Vacuum regularly

  Sweep with a soft broom

  Put doormats and rugs by doors

  Keep pets’ nails trimmed


  Over wet the laminate if attempting to remove stains

  Use anything abrasive

  Leave puddles to soak in

  Allow it to be subject to direct sunlight

Final thoughts

No matter how diligently we care for our flooring, it can’t last forever. If you think it’s time to replace your laminate flooring, check out our styles and see if there’s a new look for you.

See our buying guide and order your free samples.

For removals of laminate flooring, find out about our uplift and disposal service.